Has Your Personal Injury Claim Been Under Settled?

Mercury Legal can assess your personal injury claim to see if your solicitor undersettled your claim for compensation. Click on 'Assess My Claim' and complete our contact form and we call you within 30 minutes to begin your case review.


0800 122 3130

My Solicitor Under Settled My Compensation

What Happens If Your Solicitor Under Settles?

Many victims of personal injury or medical negligence are reliant on their solicitor gives and never question their advice whilst processing their claim. In the main claimants will take their solicitors recommendations to accept or reject an early settlement of their damages, even if they believe that it is too low or under valued.

When your case is settled you may speak to a friend or colleague with similar injuries and find out that they got considerably more compensation than you. Because cases vary there are oten there are many reasons why a case may settle for less, but if you believe that you got less compensation than you deserved because you feel that your solicitor acted negligently whilst running your claim, then contact Mercury Legal immediately. Call 0800 122 3130 and ask for your case to be reviewed by one of our professional negligence solicitors.

Claim Didn't Included Other Losses?

Experienced personal injury solicitors have a good idea what your injuries are worth at the outset of your claim and thankfully most achieve satisfactory result for you. However, as well as your general damages your solicitor would also negotiate to recover any special damages, such as: lost wages, care costs, loss of pension, retraining and rehabilitation and any other out of pocket expenses.

Special damages can add up to thousands of pounds in some instances and if your solicitor has not taken these into account you may be in a position to bring a claim for negligence against them.

Solicitor Failed to Beat a Part 36 Offer

It is common for your solicitor to negotiate an early settlement of compensation. The defendant may put forward an offer of settlement (referred to as Part 36 offers). If you solicitor advises you to reject offer and then your case settles for a lower amount at Trial or your settlement fails to beat their Part 36 offer you may then be liable to some legal costs, even if you win your claim at Trial.

It is essential that your solicitor fully advises you of the merits and dangers attached to all settlement offers and be experienced enough to know if you will get more at Court. If they fail to do so, leaving you with legal costs to pay, they may be negligent.


If your solicitor failed to beat a Part 36 offer or did not take provision for special damages, then speak one of our professional negligence experts about a claim against your personal injury solicitor and complete the form below. We will call you back within 30 minutes to begin assessing your case.